Senior Real Estate Clerk

Ted Groves

Location: Oshawa,Ontario, Canada
Phone: 1 905-571-1774.
Fax: 1 905-571-7706.

I am the senior Real Estate Clerk for Elliott and Hills, and administer the firm’s real estate transactions under the supervision of Sophie Hills.
I attended Brock University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Administration and Economics.  I also attended Durham College where I received honours diplomas in Law Clerks Real Estate and Advanced Corporate Procedures.

Prior to joining Elliott and Hills, I spent 20 years in the legal industry as a freelancer working for a great many firms in the title searching, conveyancing and legal research field. 
I am a lifelong resident of Durham Region and, with my wife Ruth, enjoy watching my daughters play soccer and searching in the woods for my lost golf balls.

I am committed to providing Elliott and Hills` clients with the best possible service.

